Saturday, March 16, 2013

Lazy Saturday...

Yesterday, I embarked on the epic task of getting an Indian sim card. I put it off for too long, and have been using my american one far too much (thanks and sorry dad, again, just don't look at the bill, close your eyes and wave your wallet at it). There is a large, air conditioned vodaphone store that is a fifteen minute walk away from the hostel, so three of us went. A fifteen minute walk in India is a different animal than in New York. First of all, that amount of time could easily only get you around the corner, especially if you are timid about crossing the street and if you insist on taking pictures of everything you find cool or weird or funny (photo 2, Dad you should call that number, look at those stunning results), it can take close to an hour to walk the equivalent of three blocks. So yeah, it turns out that on saturday, the road to vodaphone turns into a huge bazaar. People spread out blankets with everything you could imagine, spices, jewelry, fruits, fruits next to rat poison, rat poison... and the vendors are constantly coming in and out pushing carts or loading their wares onto bikes, fighting with the normal traffic for space (photo 1). It made the walk a lot longer, but a lot more fun. It was one of the cooler sights that I have seen, and it was just the walk to the cell store! It made me feel especially accomplished as well.

At the store things were so organized, I actually couldn't navigate it. We got numbers from electric kiosks, and they called the numbers... in order. People waited for their numbers, and when they called the number on the piece of paper, you could talk to one of the tellers. Crazy right? I was about to throw an elbow and make my way to the front. Instead I squatted on the floor and waited.

After getting sim cards, we rewarded ourselves with lunch at a place that we found walking back. It was delicious! A great find. Unfortunately, the sim card isn't working yet, but otherwise I would say it was a pretty accomplished Saturday afternoon.


P.S. Another note on the miracle hair treatment, how is it possible that an illustration can't even make the before and after pictures look like the same person?

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