Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Delhi Days/Daze

So before I post about the mountains, I thought I would give a little snapshot of my daily commute in Delhi. There are a lot of things that can be super frustrating or really fun/funny depending on my mood, and let me tell you, early in the morning that is a highly volatile variable. The one thing that I love no matter how I feel is going through security, yup, security. And this is coming from a girl that hates airports for the very same reason. Why? Well after you put your bags in the x-ray conveyor belt thingy, the ladies go through a metal detector (that always goes off) and into a curtained off little box. While inside a lady cop waves you down with a wand and frisks your pocket area. I find this little pet very reassuring in the morning! Sometimes there's a little butt pat involved! It's just a little encouragement from a lady that's always a little more chipper because your a foreigner, and a love tap, sometimes even a push to send you on your way to start the day. That's how I start my commute.

The metro is by far my favorite thing about Delhi. It makes me feel super comfortable travelling in the city, and gives you these weird moments where you are so shocked that you are in India, but that leaves room for the realization: holy crap, I live in India. One thing that hasn't made it over here is the concept of let people get out first. Even when it's the last stop on the train, and everyone knows that everyone is coming out women push, out and in, and I mean push. Why? Because they want a seat. That much energy expended to sit. Conserve your energy and then stand! Anyhow, on the days when I am either a little pissy or feeling feisty, I admit that I throw an elbow out. I mean I am huge here, people should move. When I'm just giggly about the whole thing (sometimes Anika and I spend our 20 minute ride together cackling), I just ride the wave of women pushing. The air pocket that I get above everyone's heads really helps in those moments.

On the way home, I love looking out the window as the metro goes over the city. The sky at that time is always a beautiful dusty rose color. Even better are the signs you see along the way: PUKIE PIE DAY CARE and Hotel Arpit Palace, that my brain as well as autocorrect on my iphone change to the illustrious armpit palace (not an inappropriate name for the metro). And speaking of which, the most lovely feeling of all is coming home hot after a long day feeling slightly guilty about being stinky and having your BO get off at the next stop. LIFE WIN!


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