Monday, July 12, 2010

Camel and Camel Coverage

While in Pushkar, we watched the traditional dressing of a camel. Yes, it is a tradition. And you thought there was no career path for the little girls who only ever wanted to dress up their barbies. The camel's name was Raja, and he obviously didn't like being dressed up. If you have never heard a distressed camel it sounds like something between a dying cow and a fog horn. Anyhow, after it was dressed up they took a picture of us with it, which ended up in the article shown here (the title in translation is "mystical foreign unicorn spotted conversing with and later riding on a camel"). I was right in front and terrified that I was going to be spit on. All was well though. After I got to ride on it. Which is not at all as easy as it looks. Camels get up hind legs first and then front legs and they are massive animals (about twice as tall as horses). So we were being swung around with very little to hold on too (and I didn't even have to sign a release form, India!). It was a bit embarrassing. In closing, yes there is video, yes I will put it on youtube.

1 comment:

  1. Great picture on the camel. Can't wait to see the video. Bring home a copy of the newspaper!
