Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Violet in Wonderland

So, it's been a little while. I can make excuses, but I'll just say that settling into a new city is hard work. I decided to get a little unchronological with my posts and write about a moment in Delhi that's perfectly illustrated by this photo. Those who have good spacial relations may remember that I am a fairly tall lady. In heels I am positively monstrous. This is multiplied in India, land of the tiny people and totally irregular architectural proportions. Let's just say I have smacked various parts of my body on about every surface available in this country. In one restaurant I went to, they didn't manage to make the ceiling to stair distance life size, but luckily they attached a pillow to the landing thingy over head. So they literally cushioned the blow. Anyhow, my bad pun isn't the story I wanted to tell.

The other day I was in the metro, heading just outside of Delhi for a second interview (yeah, that's right, I'm doing real things here, it's not all saffron and bhung lassis). As we get farther out from the city, I'm getting more and more attention from the people in my car (ladies only), and the next one, which is has an open connector tunnel, that looks like the middle of extra long city buses. So yeah, the train is getting into less western exposure land, and the men in the next car are staring. I get a little annoyed, but notice a whole gaggle of women about to get on at the next stop (amusingly they are all going to the german institute of noida, clutching their german language exercises in their hands). I relax thinking I'm going to get a little cover.

They all get on, and without any hyperbole, there is not a single person in the ladies car that is above shoulder height on me. So now, I'm in a crowded car, a blonde pin in a canopy of black. I do enjoy the different climate, air circulation, and moderate relief from BO up there, but needless to say I stand out even more. I glance at the men's look out point just in time to see a man lift a little boy above the Indian ladies to see me. At this point all I can do is giggle and salute.



  1. This made me laugh out loud Violet! I can totally relate, it reminded me of my time in Tokyo - but at least I was a brunette which gave me some small modicum of camouflage (but not when I was the giant on the subway). Enjoying your blog v. much!

  2. Thanks guys! Love you too claire. Yeah, I can imagine Tokyo must be similar. Is there a culture of unlimited staring there too?
