Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Arti: on the boat

The internet is back, for now. Here is the next installation of the arti extravaganza. We rented a boat, as one should when viewing the puja. The first picture shows candles that one is supposed to light. You make a wish and put them into the water. When they are all floating out there with the boats, and the music and all the tourists and religious pilgrims mixed up on colorful boats, the result is truly breath taking. It is not hard to see why the river was deified. More arti later and maybe even video if I can manage it!

Bring Varanasi to your computer desk.


  1. These photos are so amazing. I am so jealous! At least I can live through your awesome blog. I keep remembering how a year ago we were on our way to Pushkar! Seems like just yesterday.
    When will you elaborate more on the shitty shop? I literally laughed out loud at my desk at work. Varanasi seems so beautiful. You think it suits you more than Jaipur?

  2. I dont think it suits me more than Jaipur. There isnt quite the right mix of things to do outside of work/school that there was in Jaipur. It makes me a bit stir crazy because I work and live and do all my extracurriculars in one place. But it is beautiful. It is actually a lot like a bigger version of Pushkar.

  3. Happy Birthday Sweetie! Love the blog and you.
