Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sarnath: Indian Temple, Chinese Temple and Japanese Temple

At the Indian temple, there was a tree that had been planted from a branch of the tree Budda attained enlightenment under. Wow, was that a real sentence, I honestly cannot tell. My English and Hindi has gotten so jumbled up, that I can never figure out if the word order I am using is correct. Most of the time this does not cause any difficulty. The one exception is our new French friends, or the Frenchies as we affectionately call them. They have a hard enough time understand English, so adding my ridiculous grammar and complete lack of pronunciation, after I say something they often just give me a puzzled look and then say .... WHAT? I immediately apologize and try again, but sometimes I just cannot manage at all. Anyhow, after that brief speech failure related tangent, I will go back to the photos. As I mentioned we visited a lot of different temples. It was like an Asian architectural tour. I enjoyed it a lot despite the gazillion degree temperature (yes, as you might have guess it actually does get that hot here. Although here we use Celsius. So it hovers around (a gazillion - 32) x 5/9 degrees C, to be exact and culturally appropriate. Despite the architectural diversity, the human diversity was the same. There were neither Chinese nor Japanese people at the temples, and we were the only tourists that decided to brave the heat.
More heat and the last, and my favorite temple later.

PS Did I mention it is unbearably hot. It is SSOOOOO HOT.

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