Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Wins and Losses

Today is monday: loss

win: productive day at work today

win: non-disastrous haircut and the cleanest hair I've had in months

loss: said clean hair made it only 10 paces out of the salon and into the humidity

loss: managed to step in gum in such a way that it was somehow adhered to the inside of my sandal, under my heel, double loss: not even among the top 100 grosses things that have happened to me in Delhi

loss: realized I have forgotten how to spell sandal while texting the news to Anika (chapal zindabad!)

win: bizarrely clean heel when I got home

loss: got splashed with puddle water, read: raw sewage

loss: while lost in thought, planning this blog post, got spooked by teenaged boys

win: spooked same teenage boys by thinking their joke was way funnier than they did and proceeding to hysterically cackle in the street, I mean, they really got me good

win/loss: peanut butter for dinner

1 comment:

  1. How about another post soon?! (Only your mother will say what everyone else is thinking.)
