Saturday, August 6, 2011

Auto rides

So, continuing with the thread of my daily life, I thought I would post a video from an auto ride, how I typically get around. When you are a cheapo like me, the best way to go is by shared auto. Then it is ten rupees per person anywhere and you do not have to deal with negotiation. What you do have to deal with is getting squished into an auto with five or more other people that you have never met, the usual turbulence of the ride and my favorite thing, the soundtrack provided by the driver. Sometimes they put on songs I know and I get to sing along, which everyone thinks is hilarious of course, especially because I make half of the words up. Anyhow, the recipe described above seems like it could only result in one thing: car-sickness, or auto-sickness? Is that a thing?, but surprisingly I remain relatively unscathed, even sitting in the middle.
P.S. Ten points to the person who can figure out who is driving.


  1. I love this! Can't wait to see another installment. (And I have no idea who's driving in the video...)

  2. This is such a great post. I can narrow the driver down to one of the three people sitting up front, right?
