Monday, August 8, 2011

Things I do when I am bored

When I am bored, I do a variety of things. Sometimes I practice the tabla, pictured in my room above, sometimes, and I do mean sometimes, I clean my room, mess pictured above, sometimes I go to the park with some of the kids from school, and sometimes I give myself little crafty projects. Michelle and I embarked on an afternoon of making a backgammon board entirely out of paper, with dice also. And as a going away present for Michelle I made a comic book, which I will post the entirety of at some later date. Oh, there is another one I forgot. I got my legs waxed, you know, just for fun. It was painful but the ladies in the salon, yes I may have gone back for a facial yesterday, refuse to speak anything to me but rapid Hindi, which I love. So those are the things I do everyday.


  1. Adding to the list of things to do when I am bored: complain about HAVING A TERMITE MOUND IN MY ROOM>

  2. What does that look like? Do they bother (sting/bite) you?

  3. The things you'll endure just to speak Hindi!
