Friday, September 2, 2011

Settled in Mumbai

Now that I am settled in Mumbai with working internet and all, instead of posting about my multiple city adventures, and of course all of my wedding outfits. I wanted to post a video of what was a normal occurrence hanging out with my friends in Varanasi. You see, as I traversed Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore and now Mumbai, people ask me about my time in the lovely city of Benares. I try to explain why I liked it and miss it, but realized it was not the job that I missed, and certainly not the city, but moments like these when I was lonely at night, because there is nothing to do at night in Varanasi, and I would head to see Nawal-ji and hear him and his roommate practice late night ragas. So enjoy. This was the highlight of my trip and the thing I miss the most.

1 comment:

  1. amazing! This is why you and my father would be great friends, and why you and I already are. he practices ragas to when we're on long road trips and generally anywhere and anytime my mother will tolerate it!
