Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Seeing the city

So yesterday I did a bit of sightseeing with some people from the hostel I am staying at. Walking around in Bandra, a suburb of the city which has been called the Brooklyn of Mumbai, and around the city center reaffirmed my love for the city. The buildings (such as the clock tower in the picture) have a beautiful old world character, but with features that are distinctly Indian, and they are surrounded by the vegetation of land that should have been a rainforest. I could wander around forever, despite the heat. The highlight of the day though, was looking for a cheap place to eat some local Indian food in Bandra. There is a gelato place on every corner, and plenty of places to get pizza, macarons, cupcakes, but we just wanted some cheap standard fare. I walked up to two guys to ask them where they get lunch around here. They both raved about a place called hotel something, I was sold. When I asked them where it was they simultaneous pointed in opposite directions. One was sitting down and the other was standing up behind him, so the effect was something out of Alice in Wonderland, like getting directions from tweedle dee and tweedle dum. I burst out laughing and all three of us ended up doing semaphore dances and giggling. In the end, we did find the place. It was a little hole in the wall. I warned my hostel mates that they were taking their bowels in their hands, but that it was probably fine because a lot of people eat here. For dishes at 30 rupees a piece (about 60 cents), we couldn't say no. I mean, at least it would be cheap dysentery).  The meal end up being very very tasty, and many hours later I can cautiously say, that it was also clean enough. I guess the lesson to learn is: ask the locals, and cultivate a healthy sense of humor.



  1. nice short tale! Are you posting these to Facebook yourself?

  2. No... I'm too weird about facebook for that.
