Friday, May 24, 2013


See that purple thing? Next to the tart with three balls on it? That's cheesecake in India. Now, not only do I love cheesecake, when I want cheesecake, nothing else will do. This is particularly distressing because here when you order said item from a menu, something is delivered to you that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike cheesecake. That's not to say that it's bad. Theoretically. But it is bad, because I want cheesecake. Now, being a persistant person, I have a tendency to repeatedly try to order cheesecake, hoping that someone in the country has gotten this dessert item right. The experience pretty much always follows the same pattern:
- look at said cheesecake and assess it's dubious color and distinctly gelatin like texture
- take a reluctant bite, and be overwhelmed with disappointment and moderate disgust, the kind of disgust that only comes from thinking you are going to taste one thing and then tasting another, like zucchini disguised as cucumber
- take a break, sip my coffee, resolve not to ever try cheesecake in this country again
- feel bad about wasting said item
- take a second and then third slow reluctant bite
- realize that it's not all that bad, it just is pretty much entirely unlike cheesecake
- eat the whole thing, which is a decent but not great take on a jello creme pie
- be relatively disgusted with myself



  1. Ouch. That picture makes my teeth hurt. They look like Chinatown desserts. Remember how sad it was that they always had that awful whipped cream, sponge cake, and canned fruit cake in your elementary school?

  2. You could just make yourself a cheesecake. That is, if you can buy cream cheese in India.

  3. Of course I remember the traumatizing secret melon ball cakes! And Danny, I've thought about it, but yeah cream cheese is an issue and ovens are actually hard to come by.
