Saturday, March 23, 2013

Delhi's Redemption

So, I still am not on my own computer (this means no photos), but I can offer you a few redeeming things about Delhi, and this is within 24 hours of arriving! It is walkable! Yes, the one major issue with Bombay is that there aren't any sidewalks in most of the city. In Delhi it is relatively easy to walk continuously for 15 minutes (see earlier post about Bombay) or even an hour and a half as I did yesterday. Additionally the Metro system is truly the bomb diggity, for lack of a better term.

In other news, I am being incredibly well fed. I met up with a friend of a friend who invited me to her family's house for dinner. Before we left she insisted on buying me a snack (chinese style nodles with a sweet milk drink). When we arrived at her house here was soda and chips. Then her mother brought daal and rice. I thought, perfect, some nice light home cooking... but about an hour later there was roti and potatoes and a different daal and a milk drink. And then yoghurt, and paratha, and the butter, man the butter. An inch cubed, after I insisted just a little. I think she could sense the weakness in my voice as I tried to resist. I would have gotten more too, if I didn't plead foreigner belly. It was delicious. All I kept thinking was, thank god I can walk here. Otherwise, I would have to be rolled from one location to another after not too long.

With that image....

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