Friday, March 22, 2013

Yeh Dilli Hai Mere Yaar

Posting from my phone at the moment, so no long post (although I promise to continue my last one soon). I have just landed in Delhi. It hasn't captured my fancy like Mumbai did, but maybe this will be like an arranged marriage instead of a love marriage, I will come to love and depend on it over time. In any case, it's just like an arranged marriage at the moment: I'm stuck with this city for now, might as well try to like it. I'm looking forward to meeting up with friends and letting them convince me that this is a cool place. That being said I'm keeping an open mind, and despite all I've heard, I'm determined to have my own opinion about being here. So far it sort of feels like Delhi is to Mumbai what Chicago is to New York... I'll leave it at that.

1 comment:

  1. An item in today's NY Times (4/28) notes that India is full of slum cities within cities. Reminds me of Kathleen Boo's book about a terrible slum near an airport and a well-to-do part of whatever city it was.
