Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Holi Hai!

I've been waiting for a long time to play holi. Yesterday I was woken up by loud music and a blaring voice on a speaker system. He told me it was holi. After some confused tired stumbling, I went downstairs to investigate and found the "park ladies association" having their early holi party. I got some jelebi, being made in fresh connecting branches, I guy sitting and wordlessly squirting squiggled creations of sugary dough in the hot oil.

I refused too much more food, only had some curry and two chapatti. Afterwards I was brought to the dj booth and everyone was encouraged to come dance with their "American friend". The park ladies descended on me lending their auntie dance moves to some pretty gangster American tunes. After I was given some color, I went sent on the way.

I spent the rest of the day dodging water balloons coming from roof tops. Eventually my friend and I got our revenge, throwing balloons from his roof top and smearing people with color. What a satisfying sound the balloon makes when it splats on a 13 year old hooligan.


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