Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My entourage

Last night, I was waiting for my friend Tim at a "lounge bar" near my hostel to have a beer. I walk in and I am the only person there (plenty of people in the restaurant portion though). I sit down on a plush couch and order a beer. Two attendants stand by the bar, ready at a moments notice in case I might change my mind and order a four-course meal. I glance at the tv's in front of me and 80s wrestle mania is playing. For a second I get lost in the paunchy bleach blonde men in speedos hug each other in multiple ways. A mosquito snaps me out of my tv zombie-dom and I realize there are now 4 attendants, glancing at each other waiting for me to order something else. They are chatting to each other about whether they should put music on for me or not. I swat at the mosquito and immediately one of the waiters gets what looks like an electric tennis racket in order to hunt the mosquitos. Of course, they were all around me. So for five minutes the waiter is waving the racket around me like it was a security check, I have my hands over my head, and he's being very careful not to electrocute me. Eventually he chases the mosquito to another part of the room. At this point there are between six and seven men waiting around me to help, with another two walking in and out just in case. Finally some other people start to arrive. They put on Rihanna and go back to work. Can't beat the service out here, man.


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