Sunday, March 24, 2013

End of Mumbai day, beginning of Delhi days

So as you may remember (see Dhobi Ghat post:, I left you getting ready for my night out after the Haji Ali. I headed back by train (rush hour packed ladies car, a lovely sight, with a slightly less lovely smell), ate an paratha (still my favorite), and started to get gussied up. I grabbed a rick to Bandra and met up with my friend. She and I took her car (with a driver, what a luxury), over the Worli sea link. The sight from the bridge at night is really breath taking. It gives you that "alright tonight's the night" feeling that a great song might. From there we went to blue frog, a hip music venue in South Bombay. Thanks to International Women's Day, there was no cover charge (that's feminism, right?). So what was playing tonight? Some sleepy raga? A fusion band? Techno? No! It was a Led Zeppelin tribute band! With a female lead! We rocked out to "led zep" tunes for a while. I knew most of the words to most of the songs, but seemed to be in the minority. There was one major exception though: the encore, Stairway to Heaven. About 30 Indian boys say along in heavily accented voices, while swooning and crying over how good of a song it is. I guess that's universal.

I also saw my first bollywood star! He's an oldy but a goody, because he's in the first Bollywood film I ever saw, that's still my favorite! Isn't that great luck?
He's the actor that's not Sharukh Khan in this song.

After the show, I stayed over at my friend's place, so I didn't have to go back alone. After a lovely night's sleep I woke up in Bandra to fresh fruit and hard boiled eggs, hot coffee from an adorable chatty maid followed soon after. All I could think was, I could get used to this. Shucks, guess I'm going to have to get a job.

So that was Bombay. Now Delhi.

I have been meeting people in Delhi, and I have to say it is really growing on me. The first thing that I have neglected to point out is that it is home to one of my top five favorite people of all time, Gandhi! Just kidding, Anika. I look forward to Indian style unibrow chicken fights. Besides that there are a lot of smart people doing interesting things. This really is the hub for good work here. Some more highlights are: good food, I had a brownie the other day (don't judge) that would really put 99 percent of New York brownies to shame. The other thing is the history! You can walk around Delhi and it is modern and green, with lots of trees and flowers, and all of a sudden a ruin of an old Mughal fort just appears next to you, with a moat and everything! These sneaky beautiful places mean that I am going to have to carry my camera around for sure.

More Delhi later, and some pictures!

1 comment:

  1. Shroffster.
    you would pick devdas.

    Yo, wherever you're working, ask if they need a pretty, fun, public health nerd medical student to work there for free. I gotta get out of the states this summer.
