Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hurricane Sunita!

So Holi marks the beginning of summer, which should mean about three months of hot dry weather (oh joy). Yesterday though we started hearing murmurs from people about the rain coming (barish aa rahin hai, aaeygi). I didn't think anything of it. These are the same sort of people that refuse to serve me eggs in the summer because they heat me up. Then all of a sudden early today, the rain just started coming down in sheets. Anika and I had seen hail in Jaipur, so we weren't too shocked. We expected it to just come through and stop. But it hasn't. Luckily our apartment is on the first floor, because the water is already about knee height and has yet to let up at all.

People refuse to accept that the rains are a full three months early (there are global warming deniers here too), so they have names this storm Hurricane Sunita. We should continue to have power, but the phone lines are a little wonky already. I'll keep you posted on our safety etc.



  1. Yeah, I wanted to do something more fun, but I also didn't want to give you a heart attack.

    good example
